• Title
• Aims
• Objectives
• Methodology
• Time scale
• Choosing your title
• Settings your aim and objectives
• Data collection
The details are as follows:
• TITLE: It is an indicator of the content for a thesis.
• AIMS: It shows what you intend to include in your thesis, overall statement of the actual research.
• OBJECTIVES: The objective section comprises of questions, which have to be answered in your thesis. A literature survey would help seeking the useful questions that can be used as objectives.
• METHODOLOGY: It is the third chapter which emphasizes on the methods that will help in achieving the objectives. It should include the “why” factor for data collection method, analysis, group targeting etc.
• TIME SCHEDULE: Plan your time accordingly, and follow your schedule so that, at the end of the day you shouldn’t face lack of time.
• TITLE SELECTION: Choose a title that relates to subject area; it will give the previous work details, which had been done in the same field. It will also give you an idea about the upcoming trends. Duplication of work should be prohibited
• AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: List your objectives and mark them after its completion. This will help in measuring the progress. If an objective is not achieved, evaluate the reasons for it. Do not change your targets in the middle of the work.
• DATA COLLECTION: It’s a time consuming procedure, the more quality data you search, the more you can bring quality in resultant arguments. Decide a way of data collection and collect it in a way you want to utilize it afterwards. Your questions must be targeted towards the right audiences.
• Your dissertation help should not exceed 10,000 word limits. But, follow your professor’s instructions.
• Dissertation should include 6 sections
• State the purpose of the each chapter before writing it.
• At the end of each chapter, write your comments that show if the purpose had been achieved or not?
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