To help better manage your time, enlist your network of friends and family to assist you with completing tasks that don’t require your intellectual capital. Most loved ones are more than willing to be supportive if they only know what they can do to help. In response to my request, for example, my friend flew out to Wisconsin to help me pack up my house while I worked on my dissertation help. He also got up at 2:30 a.m. to help me format tables, make copies, and drive me to the Copy Center, because my exhausted brain was simply too numb to be able to complete those simple tasks.
In addition, it is imperative that you give yourself ample time to complete your thesis or dissertation. I can’t emphasize enough that you should NOT wait until your coursework or qualifying/preliminary exams are finished to begin thinking about getting an early start. In fact, you should be thinking about a possible topic on your first day of graduate school. Let your interest guide you regarding what courses to take. Pursue a possible topic in one or two of your graduate seminars; these will force you to adhere to a strict deadline, and will also provide you with insightful feedback from your course instructor.
If you haven’t followed this advice, and have already finished your coursework and exams, all is not lost! Keep in mind that you aren’t actually starting from scratch. Think of this document as an extension of your proposal. Pull out your approved thesis/dissertation proposal and begin by reading, editing, and formatting it based on your university’s required specifications. Be sure to update your literature review by including any new studies that address your research question.
Regardless of what stage you are at in completing your thesis or dissertation, remember the key to finishing is to keep moving the project forward, and it is critical to spend at least 12 minutes EVERY DAY working on your document. Your goal is to make consistent, incremental, daily progress. And, even if you just can't contemplate writing some days, there are still a number of required tasks that you can accomplish. Find something from this list you can do right now!!!
1. Create your Title Page
2. Create your Bibliography
3. Format the document
4. Create your Acknowledgement Page
5. Format your Tables
6. Create your List of Tables
7. Create your List of Figures
8. Create your Table of Contents
9. Create your Signature Page
10. Create your Appendices
About the Author: As a single mother, professor Wendy Y. Carter, Ph.D., completed three masters' degrees and a PhD. Her motto is a Good Thesis/Dissertation is a Done Thesis/Dissertation.
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ReplyDeleteThe new ongoing trend in the youth is the usage of the internet at online social networks and shows them through creating personal blogs.